17 of my favorite shots today.

I spent a lot of time driving around today, first in Downtown Dover, then after lunch with Loretta and the gang, ($5 Mari Monte Pizza!!) out again to shoot whatever I came across. I was heading towards Smyrna, but didn’t make it past anold barn and outbuildings.

The first two were at the barn. I processed them Holga style, to see how the Holga shots compare to these.

That fix a leak might not take care of all the leaks…

A little surreality never hurt anyone!

Stairs to no where!

The sofa is tagged as free!

These photos of the chair are some of my favorites from the day!



Two versions of the same scene. I like the way the curb is echoed by the wires in the first one, and the symmetry in the second version.

Cool Post downtown

I did some other photos of this fence, just around the corner, a while back.

Just liked the shapes