Day 21 of 30 Day Challenge
I’ve been doing maternity photos for a while. They are some of my favorite portrait sessions. We Americans do some crazy things that end up making women feel “less than” when their bodies change over time. This is often amplified in pregnancy. For many women, there is a stigma to being “fat” when they’re bringing life into the world. Being able to make photos during this phase of their life, is a special honor. I appreciate the trust I’m given to make beautiful photos.
I haven’t been sharing a lot of this work because… reasons. I’m not sure about doing retail photography after leaving retail sales 20+ years ago. My style of photos is also different from many other photographers. I tend to prefer minimal make up, minimal ‘posing’ and trying to get to the real person underneath.
If I’m honest, there’s a little impostor syndrome and a little anxiety about sharing my work too.
Any ways…. here are some maternity photos I’ve done for friends and family over the last several years. You’ll see more color in them than my earlier notes would make you expect. Usually, it’s because there is something special happening with the light or the outfits. You’ll see some dads in the photos below. I’ve also done shoots with the siblings and other family members to be part of the special time. I do them assuming that in 10 or 20 years, family will look back on the happy time before the new baby.