Impressions of Nashville, Part II of ??? Or, People of Nashville

I had a great time in Nashville. I have always loved people watching and talking to folks. It’s the only thing I miss from my career in Retail so long ago. I did a few photos of people you might see in Nashville if you go there too…

Street Performer in Nashville
Apparently another character you’re likely to see. It was surprising to see him move when I had seen him as a statue from a distance away.
This gent was on break, just watching the street go by

Apparently she's been doing Hula Hoop stuff for years. She used them effortlessly. I liked the spirit in this photo.
Apparently she’s been doing Hula Hoop stuff for years. She used them effortlessly. I liked the spirit in this photo as she walked to the corner she was going to get to work on. I wondered about how she got started, and just how lucrative and fun it was to do her thing.

One thought on “Impressions of Nashville, Part II of ??? Or, People of Nashville”

  1. They do those statues in Boston to raise funds for the local performing arts. LOVE the lady’s expression as well. I bet she is in great shape! Are you sorry you sold your hoola hoop in the yard sale now?

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