For some time now, Kat Sloma has been organizing a postcard swap for people from around the world. She did it again this year too! Not sure how she has time to do it with her own stuff, including a great book I’m working through about iPhone photography, but she does it anyways!.
This year, as in the past, I sent in 5 cards and and mailing labels with my address. Kat and her merry band put the labels on other random cards and sent them out at staggered intervals. I got these 5 cards from the main swap!

Going clockwise, starting bottom far left is Janice Darby’s cool dream like girl with and elephant card, Dorothy Lewis’ primitive art collage, Deb Keyworth’s handdrawn mandala, Sarah Calhoun’s Georgia mountain, and last but not least, Janet Reid’s very cool Artemis painting. I urge you to check out those links. Cool stuff lurks within!
Side swaps are a big part of the Liberate Your Art thing for me! Those are swaps by members of the LYA page that are arranged between ourselves! Look at all this awesomeness!

Starting from top left and going clockwise again, you see Sherry Harme’s cool card from Alaska. It has a lovely note on the back, but another cool thing I’ve never seen is spaces for the weather conditions (on 3-20 ti was 31 degrees, with 2 foot seas and winds at 5 kph) on her remote island off Kodiak, Alaska. Patrica Lawrence’s spray paint through grandmothers stencil is cool. Amy Irwen sent me the cool bridge card. The crazy gorilla on a phone booth came from Susan Byrne all the way in Ireland! The lovely collage by Amy Irwen was her response to the bombing in Paris last year. Janice Darby sent the lady in blue (that she collaborated on with her 4 yeat old grand daughter and Teena Lurlene sent the lovely contemplative candle.

Susan Prentzel in Florida sent me the pier shot, Diane McWhirter in Australia gets the prize for longest distance from me and did the amazing owl with colored pencils. Her work is just amazing! The Mission in San Juan Capistrano is Sonya Versluys‘ subject. The ships were in a salvage yard in France and sent to my by Louise Mamet She also has the distinction of the longest address in my list! Carol sent me her card from Israel! It’s of a painting for her 30×30 challenge.
And to top it off, Kat sent this lovely card ( done on an iPhone!) to all the participants!
I love the assortment of cards that landed in your mailbox..The art pieces that you sent to me are awesome as well..Your work inspired me..I am now in the process of giving lomography a try….Thank you for your tips 🙂 It is so much fun to be a part of this community..Already I am thinking about the postcards I will create for next year 🙂
I’m amazed at all the talented folks that participated! have fun with the new Holga! I like for my postcards.
David, what a nice collection of postcard landed in your mailbox, you displayed them so well. Thanks for featuring mine, I love the wink about my address!
You know what? The Holga virus has hit me, I couldn’t resist :)… To sum up about lomography : just look and shoot? I would appreciate your hints, thanks.
Keep up your creativity… See you in LYA 2017..,
Yep, look and shoot! Just remember to take that lens cap off, and advance the film! lol
Wonderful display and what a grand group of cards… I am also awaiting a card from Dianne in Australia. All the best!!!
I feel lucky to have gotten all the cards!
There are some fab postcards here! I need to find out more about the side swaps for next year, I didn’t realise how many people did that!
Check the Facebook page for the sideswaps too!
Lol, with that first roll of film I made so many mistakes…I didn’t advance far enough..I forgot to take the lens cap off a couple of times :-/ I ‘m now about 3 shots into my second roll of film 🙂
Quite the collection. I used to love pinhold camera work in art school. Can’t think why I didn’t continue with it. Thanks for the reminder.
World Pinhole Photography Day is coming up on April 24th!
What a beautiful collection of cards!
Ahhh a mail box full of beauty!!! Happy LYA 2016!
Such a great collection you have! made me laugh about Louise’s address. My writing is big, and I had to squeeze it on the card! Hope to see you in next year’s swap! Happy creating to you!
You got a great group of cards David. I really enjoyed seeing your work in the swap! hope to get the chance to swap with you next year – Happy creating to you!