I’m Excited!

I just found out I won a Cube Grenade from Hugh MacLeod’s Gapingvoid Gallery for my interpretation of a print Hugh did and published in his daily email.  A few quick thoughts now before dinner to so folks that got the email can take advantage of a special offer.

First: the post is here: No Escape

Second: To get on the email list from Hugh you need to go here.

Third: Their twitter is@gapingvoidart

Fourth: I really need to step up my game after announcing it on Hugh’s page, don’t you think?

Special Offer!

When I told my wife I would have visitors worldwide looking at my blog, and someone from Mexico City ( Hey Roberto!) had already sent me an email she said “Let me know when someone from New Zealand checks in”.  Then when I got home, she said “I meant Iraq… er… the South Pole… er….”

Here’s the deal. Email me by using the contact page, with your name and address, and I’ll send you a post card of one of my Holga photos. I’m inspired to do this by a photographer/artist whose work I admire,  Christian Harkness.  That blog is NSFW by the way. He just sent me one of his post cards.

More on all this later…

26 thoughts on “I’m Excited!”

  1. Congrats! I know you’ve liked his stuff for a long time, so the print is going to an appreciative home.

    1. Steve,
      I knew it! Awesome! Send me your mailing address and I’ll send you the postcard!

  2. Congratulations!
    You can tell your wife that someone from Ukraine checked in.
    I think this sounds just as exotic as NZ 🙂

  3. Hey, Dave I just realized I forgot to comment while I ws here earlier. Another residing in New Zealand checkin’ in!

  4. Ok, its pretty much official mate. The whole of the Kiwi nation has checked in now. Oh wait, hang on, there is the sheep too. “FLUFFY, MINT SAUCE, GET IN BEHIND DANG YOU …”

    1. You wouldn’t be in Siberia would you? My wife’s definition of “remote” has shifted to Siberia these days!

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