A few weeks back, I went to a car show and did a pretty cool photo of a 57 Chevy in B&W using my Holga camera. I was loving the shapes I saw and thought it would be pretty cool. Fast forward a few weeks and I’m ready to shoot some of the shots I had been thinking about for a while and noticed that the back wasn’t properly attached on one side of the camera. I resealed it, advanced the film one shot that I knew the frame would be wrecked for and then hoped for the best. Well… here’s what I got when I developed the roll:
When I finished the developing and was hanging the film to dry I noticed a funky looking negative and wondered if it had been messed up by light leaks too. Nope. This was a double exposure! Apparently, when I was messing with the lightleak I wasn’t paying attention to advancing the film. In this case, it was a kick save and a beauty! A farm tractor photo under a photo of some farm land and a tree. Sweet!