Mike Zito and The Wheel came to Jonathan’s Landing a few weeks back and, as before, I decided to go down and see a national act in a BFE venue. How Craig and the Central Delaware Blues Society gets them here, I don’t know, but I sure enjoy hearing them. As an aside, I joined the CDBS to support them bringing these acts to the area. This is kind of a big deal as I usually don’t want to join any club that would have me. I decided to shoot for just a few songs and then try to, you know, enjoy some music. I did a few shots of Mike and the Sax player, Jimmy Carpenter singing, catching the bass player, Scot Sutherland , in the background or foreground. To get the singers I decided I wanted tall photos, which kind of left out the drummer, Rob Lee. I did do a couple of shots of all 4 of them, and I made sure to get some shots of each of them alone or as the main subject. I do feel like I need to watch that I get more photos of the entire group for future shoots.
I loved the music and made sure to purchase Mike’s CD “Gone to Texas” and Jimmy Carpenter’s CD “Toiling in Obscurity” as it’s my policy to buy CDs from bands that offer them. Musicians need to actually sell music so they can feed their families and stay on the road entertaining us all. The CDs are awesome!