Day 19 of 30 Day Challenge

I did this while on a walk in the park. A vulture was flying about and I took a few shots, hoping for the best. My camera isn’t really the best one for birds in flight (some photographers use $6-10K lenses on $4000 bodies for that specialty!) but I do like the cinematic feel of this. I hoped the clouds in the sky would add interest. Many people think a clear blue sky is best for photos, but, give me poofy clouds like this and I’m way happier. I added some grain and turned it black and white with the computer. I think it invokes a mood, and I’m good with that.
Love it, Dave! Yeah, It be awesome to have equipment like that. 🙂 I think this is better in black and white. I pretty blue sky might have overshadowed the subject. Plus, this gives it a lonesome feel. Flying high with the sky all to yourself 🙂
Thanks Sheila! I don’t think I’d get $15K worth of pleasure out of doing them, so I passed on a system that would let me. I lucked out on this in that the vulture was very close when flying by me!
There is no end to the amount of equipment out there, but nothing takes the place of a good eye. Great shot!
Thank you! I think a lot of the time it’s just noticing and saying to myself “I wonder if this will work?” and then seeing what happens. I certainly have a lot of failures, but, without them, I don’t get the successes!