Man, I had this crazy dream one time after a night of drinking down in the Mississippi Delta….

I mailed a post card out a few weeks ago with this image on it. It was the first of a series of 20 cards. Each one is a scene from the Mississippi Delta, in color, that I’ve done over the last few years using my Holga cameras. Collectively, they’re supposed to represent me telling a story about this crazy dream I had one time. The first three scenes are setting up the dream sequence.
The cards are limited to 25 copies plus a few artists proofs of each photo. Subscribers paid $20 each to be a part of the experiment. I plan to publish them here on my blog, a few weeks after being sent out so that the subscribers can be surprised by the cards as they come in. Yes, I have to hand number and address 500 post cards! Whose bright Idea was that??? LOL