I had the good fortune to win Super VIP passes to the 2015 Firefly Festival in Dover, Delaware last week from WaWa and Red Bull. Wow, what an experience! I also won the the Premium Glamping experience in which I slept in an air conditioned tent and had access to nice showers and a bathroom trailer with air conditioning and nice toilets as opposed to standard porta-potties. To be honest, I had some reservations in my mind since there were around 100 bands playing and the only one I knew was Paul McCartney! I figured that one of the benefits of going to a festival is hearing new bands. They were all new to me!
I had a custom T-shirt made at Customink.com and it came the day before the show started. It said “#fireflyvirgin” and “#begentle” on it and I had a blast wearing it for 3 days. I couldn’t wear it for the 4th day since it was starting to get a little ripe! lol If folks commented on it, I told them they fell for the trap and had to do a selfie photo with me for instgram and facebook. They all did it!

I liked this photo of Wild Party mostly because of the girl smiling in it bottom left.

Cage the Elephant was amazing. Matt Shultz was one of the most energetic lead singers I’ve ever seen. He was all over the stage and the fans were almost as enthusiastic as he was!

I would have liked this photo better without the hand in it, but, I love the fan reaction to him coming by!

One of my favorite photos of the weekend!

Sir Paul McCartney was awesome at the show! He had 90,000 people singing Hey Jude at once. It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen!

I never heard of Matt and Kim before, but , wow! What a performance! The fans were nuts for them. Kim was the craziest drummer I’ve every seen, wailing away, having a blast and smiling from ear to ear the whole time. She was all over the stage too! I’d love to see her and Matt Shultz of Cage the Elephant on stage at the same time!

There’s a guy in his wheel chair crowd surfing here! Holy cow, it was amazing!

I had never heard of Hozier before. His performance was awesome! I bought his CD when I got home!