Category Archives: Fuji x100s

Stories in Drawyer’s Cemetery, Odessa Delaware

For a while now I’ve been photographing angels in cemeteries for a series I’m working on. Last weekend I was at Drawyer’s Cemetery in Odessa Delaware and found two sad stories and one celebration of life. I can’t imagine being George Janvier or Charles Matthews. I know childbirth was dangerous and infant/child mortality was rampant at the time, but….

George's wife and two children passed within a year of each other.
George’s wife and two children passed within a year of each other.
Charles Mathews wife died in child birth, his daughter who had his wife's name, died 6 months later.
Charles Mathews’ wife died in child birth, his daughter who had his wife’s name, died 6 months later.

Ray apparently liked to enjoy life. I think it’s good to celebrate life rather than focus on the losses we all face and experience.

Cool play on words. I wonder what Ray was like when he was alive.
Cool play on words. I wonder what Ray was like when he was alive.