Tag Archives: Delaware

A walk in the woods

Sometimes, I like to take a quiet walk in the woods. For today’s walk, I was was accompanied by my thoughts and the steady calls of cicadias (though we always called them locusts) and a few birds. There is a soft beauty of the patchy sunlight streaming through the leaves overhead… I’ve rarely been able to catch it, but I think I got pretty close today!

I've always been fascinated by the shelf like fungi on the fallen trees
I’ve always been fascinated by the shelf like fungi on the fallen trees


primordial ferns in dappled light
I loved the softness of the light and the primordial nature of the scene. You can see similar looking ferns in fossils that go back tens to hundreds of millions of years ago.


I was interested in the light that came through the leaves. I didn't even see an interesting detail til I opened this up on my computer at home
I was interested in the light that came through the leaves. I didn’t even see an interesting detail til I opened this up on my computer at home. Can you guess what it was?


Beautiful Light at Port Mahon

I was out at Port Mahon the other day and saw this amazing light as I was coming back home. The sky was mostly grey to dark grey and I saw the light filtering through a thinner patch of low hanging clouds to give this ethereal light. It only lasted less than a minute, on this spot, so I rushed and got this.. Light on wetlands in overcast conditionsThis could be a good metaphor for life. It’s short and fleeting. Some moments of pleasure and beauty will be missed if you aren’t there for them, either physically, or totally in the moment. There are no bright signs saying “look here!” If we don’t see them on our own, too bad.  If we’re busy gazing at our phones or otherwise distracted, we’re gonna miss them. It’ll be like they never happened.

When that light faded, I drove less than a mile down the road and waited to see if anything else would happen. Then the tanks of jet fuel for the Dover Air Force Base, lit up… especially the last tank on the right!

Light on Gas Tanks near Port Mahon, Delaware