I’m reading Andrew Wyeth’s book “Autobiography” that accompanied an art show of Wyeth’s works back in the 90s. I love his work! What makes the book so interesting is that Wyeth talks a little about how or why he made the paintings in the book. Many of the paintings are based on some small, seemingly insignificant detail that we might not notice without Andrew telling us what he was thinking or seeing that day that inspired the painting.
In this photo that I did with my Fuji x100s the other day I was at first commenting on the casual disposal of what remained of what was once a beautiful animal. What drew me in when I processed the photo in Lightroom and MacPhun Tonality Pro was the puff of white fur on the far left back side of the deer in the photo. The details by the mouth are of interest too. I first learned of Tonality from a write up by a very talented photographer from San Diego, Peter Tellone.